4 May 2016 - 2nd Global Action Day
for Pluralism in economics

Two years after the birth of ISIPE, local student groups in many different universities are jointly celebrating the 2nd Global Action Day for Pluralism in Economics. Here is a (partial) list of the events that are taking place simultaneously across different countries around the 4th of May:


La Plata: Sociedad de Economía Crítica

On 3 May 2016, we will host a workshop with Dra. Jules Falquet titled “Critical approaches to capitalist development, transnationalisation and feminist readings”, as part of the Cátedra Libre Virginia Bolten, which aims to contribute to the construction of popular feminisms in Nuestramérica. Time: 15:30, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Ensenada. This is the first of a series of activities that the Sociedad de Economía Crítica is holding across Argentina for the Global Action Day, “Actividades por el Día Internacional de la Lucha por la Pluralidad en los Planes de Estudio en Economía.” More info in this page.

Córdoba: Sociedad de Economía Crítica

On 5 May 2016, we will hold a round-table debate on “The first 150 days with Mauricio Macri in office”. Dramatic changes are taking place in the economic and social policy areas. In this context, we think it necessary for there to be conversations between the different views on the matter. Discussants: Marcelo Capello (UNC and IERAL), Berta Reisin (UNC and Plan Fénix) and Natalia Pérez Barreda (UNR and SEC). TIme: 17h, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Aula “R”). Please find more info in this page.

Mendoza: Sociedad de Economía Crítica

On 6 May 2016, in the context of the 2nd anniversary of ISIPE you are invited to come join us for a talk by Dr. Nicolás Dvoskin, “Keys to understanding a new stage”, where we will tackle some ideas that are key to understanding the current situation in Argentina. We shall question from a critical perspective the process through which changes are coming about, both economic and political, in Argentina in particular and in Latin America more generally, not only at the government level but also as the configuration of a new political and social project. The event, free and open to all, will take place at the FCE-UNCuyo (Anfiteatro 2). More info here.

Buenos Aires: Sociedad de Economía Crítica

On the 9, 16, 23, 30 of May and 6 of June we shall hold a workshop titled “Foundations of the General Theory of J. M. Keynes”. In this workshop which shall involve reading and discussion we shall tackle the central themes of the work of one of the most important economists of all times. All participants are invited to openly discuss the purpose and conceptual foundations of the General Theory, its criticism of orthodox theory, the role that different variables play in the economy, its economic concepts and the political conclusions that stem from this work. The workshop is “horizontal”, open to all and free, like all the EsEP (Escuela de Economía Política) workshops; no previous knowledge is required. Lecturers: Fabián Fanego and Martín Kalos. Meet at 19-21h at the FCE-UBA (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires). Please find more info here and in the EsEP blog.


Graz: Society for Pluralism in Economics

We are throwing a party to celebrate ISIPE's 2nd anniversary. It's going to take place at the Parkhouse in Graz at 8pm on the 4th of May 2016. There will be DJs, snacks and party accessories and of course information material about ISIPE and our local group and activities. Details on the event can be found on this Facebook page.
Contact: plurale.vwl.graz@gmail.com

Vienna: Society for Pluralism in Economics, Red Stock Market Crash

We are celebrating the second birthday of ISIPE by organizing a 'Plural Movie Night' at the University of Vienna on the 3rd of May and a 'Plural Power Picnic' in the city on the 5th of May. Both events are combined with informing people about our goals and what we are doing. Additionally we want to give space, especially at the picnic, for interested people to discuss the lack of pluralism with us.
Contact: Kai Lingnau, 07lin07lin@gmail.com


Montréal: Main Visible (former MÉQEPÉ, Mouvement québécois pour l'enseignement pluraliste de l'économie)

We will screen the Boom Bust Boom documentary at the La Passe café - come join us! Our group, Main Visible, includes members from the following universities: McGill University, UQAM, Université de Montreal, Concordia. Do check out our website.


Tunja: Consejo Estudiantil de Economía UPTC

We are hosting the Week of Economics and the National Congress of Economics Students. The program involves conferences, discussions, film screenings and we will have an information stand and flyers. This is all happening at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica of Colombia. More info on our group here.


Berlin: Critical Economists

We will organize the Global Action Day on Wednesday, 04.05.2016, on its campus. Our plan is to have a full-day stand (10h - 16h), where we will inform students mainly of the Departments of Economics, Business Administration and Politics to gather information about other "alternative" economic models, methods and ideologies. We will organize a few short presentations and public posters of important economists, philosophers and critics in order to be able to foster discussions and make students sensitive for our goals and intentions. In addition to that we will host an open discussion and informal talking session with a professor.
Contact: kriwis.berlin@gmail.com

Cologne: Oikos Köln

Oikos Köln is part of the German Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik as well as ISIPE. On the GAD, we are running three workshops. These workshops are dedicated to the questions "What is the Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik?", "What can we learn from economic models and how is that changing the world?", and "Shaping the narrative of climate policy: Double win or costly matter?". We also have an information desk to talk with students about pluralism and in the evening we are showing the movie Boom Bust Boom. Here is our Facebook page.
Contact: kontakt@oikos-koeln.org

Leipzig: Oikos Leipzig

In Leipzig we will have an information stand where students have the chance to inform themselves about our group and participate in the ISIPE photo-challenge, "We need pluralism, because..."
Contact: Lara Boerger, plurale.oekonomik.leipzig@gmail.com

Tübingen: Rethinking Economics Tübingen

On Monday, 2nd of May, we hosted the event: Rational expectations, stable preferences and the curriculum we want. Three professors from our department took part and around 50 students showed up. As format, we chose a fishbowl discussion where everyone had the opportunity to share their thoughts on the curriculum they want. The discussion was centered around the question of how far reaching budget and time constraints determine the content and teaching methods of our curriculum. There was consensus, however, that economics should be historically contextualized more often.
Contact: gustav.theodor.theile@gmail.com

Frankfurt: Kritische Ökonomik

On the GAD we will participate in the "marketplace of critical initiatives" where we will create further awareness of the lack of pluralism in economics amongst the students. There we will distribute our flyers and well-known stickers and, by doing so, serve not only cool drinks but also critical questions.
Contact: kontakt@kritische-oekonomik.de


Haifa: Israeli Forum of Students of Economics, Haifa University

In Israel, on the 2nd of May, we screened "Boom, Bust, Boom" in the "Worker's Film Festival", and had a preliminary lecture by Dr. Eli Cook. You can visit us on our facebook page for upcoming events - https://www.facebook.com/isipeisrael/?fref=ts


Rome: Rethinking Economics - Studenti della LUISS

We are hosting a two-part workshop. On May the 3rd there will be four working groups, led by academics and open to students, on four innovative subjects: Social Innovation & Startups; Big Data & Marketing; Growth & Inequalities; and Regional Divide & Public Policies. On May 9th there will be a closing debate on these subjects involving Mariana Mazzucato (University of Sussex), Luigi Marengo (LUISS), Fabiano Schivardi (Bocconi), Valentina Meliciani (LUISS), and Massimo Ricottilli (Bologna and LUISS). Here is our group's facebook page.
Contact: Andrea Ramazzotti

Rome: Rethinking Economics Sapienza

We will host the second conference on "Finance and Macroeconomics in the 20th century". The lesson at hand will deal with Keynes' thought and his works, in particular the Treatise on Money and the General Theory.
Contact: Francesco Ruggeri

Bologna: Rethinking Economics Bologna

We organized an event called "Giornate dell'altra economic: verso una nuova università" (Days of the 'alternative economics': towards a new university). It is subdivided in three days, from May 4th to May 6th. On May 4th, there will be a debate involving a critique to the current university model. On May 5th, there will be a workshop on social inequalities and student welfare. There is a lectio magistralis with Maurizio Ricciardi. On May 6th there will be a lecture on the role of pluralism in teaching and in research.  There is also a lectio magistralis with Giorgio Gattei and Marco Passarella. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rethinkingeconomicsbologna/?fref=ts
Contact: Cristina Re

Siena: Rethinking Economics Siena

We organize a series of debates on economics approaches. Last Friday we had one on the labour market. On May 5th we are having a meeting to present the initiatives of the local group and debate on how to proceed.
Contact: Fabio Fiorucci

Milan: Rethinking Economics Cattolica

On May 4th we will have a session on the Keynesian revolution. The other ones are on neoclassical economics (April 13th), classical political economy (April 20th), Marxian theory (April 27th), and "Sraffa and Robinson" (May 11th). Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rethinkingecocattolica/?fref=ts
Contact: Enrico Turco

Milan: Rethinking Economics Bocconi

We are holding a debate on May 3rd on the concept of utility with Massimo Marinucci and Stafano Zamagni. This, too, was part of a series of debates and we are going to have four seminars on Keynes's General Theory in the coming days. Do check our facebook page.
Contact: Gabriele Guzzi


Barcelona: Post Crash Barcelona

We've prepared a couple of events. On the 4th of May, we will have a lecture about the relationship between capital and labour in the 21st century. And on 5th of May there will be  a lecture on ecological economics and its critique of economic growth.
Contact: enricviladv@gmail.com

Madrid: Econonuestra - UCM

We will host the final session of the seminar series that we have been organising, titled "Rethinking the economy: the awakening of heterodoxy". This final session on 5th May 2016 is a talk by César Rendueles named "The economy as a social science". You can find videos of the whole seminar series on our youtube channel. Here is the website of the seminar series and here is our facebook page.


Cambridge: Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism (CSEP)

This year, in support of the ISIPE Global Action Day, CSEP is proud to be launching a new pluralist essay competition for students around the world interested in studying economics and its related subjects at university. There will be various prizes available and hopefully a high profile judge or two. More information will be available on the CSEP website soon.
Contact: president@cambridgepluralism.org

Leeds: Open Economics

For the Global Action Day of the International Student Initiative for Pluralism in Economics, we have worked with LUBS to arrange a talk with Lord Robert Skidelsky about how to improve the way economics is taught and learnt, and in particular on the need for Economic History. You can find more details on the event, including registration here, and also check our group's facebook page.

Manchester: Post-Crash Economics Society

We will host a lecture with Vince Cable on economic policy in the UK post-financial crisis, and take pictures with people holding whiteboards asking 'why economics needs to change' and post them on social media. For more info on the event, check this page. Here is our group's facebook page.