[ Note: The websites of ISIPE groups contain many more links to the press coverage of their activities ]

Our survey of EcoNOMIcS curricula in the PresS

2016/04/01 - AlterEcoPlus - Facs d’éco : un économisme sans pluralisme
2016/03/23 - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Studenteninitiative beklagt einseitiges VWL-Studium
2016/03/23 - Jornal de Negocios - Cursos de Economia em Portugal: muita matemática e pouca reflexão
2016/03/22 - El Nacional.cat - París acull el moviment internacional pel pluralisme a l'economia
2016/03/26 - Times Higher Education - Economics degrees still `too narrow in focus'

Our Open Letter in the International Press IN 2014

2014/05/13 - The Age - The Problem with the way we educate Economists

2014/05/06 - Die Presse - VWL-Studenten fordern Neuausrichtung ihres Fachs
2014/05/06 - Vorarlberger Nachrichten - Wirtschaftsstudenten fordern Neuausrichtung
2014/05/05 - Die Presse - Studenten der Ökonomie in der Krise
2014/05/05 - DiePresse.com - Studenten fordern neue Wirtschaftslehre
2014/05/05 - Tiroler Tageszeitung - Wirtschaftsstudenten fordern Neuausrichtung ihres Fachs
2014/05/05 - Studium.at - Wirtschaftsstudenten aus 19 Ländern fordern Neuausrichtung ihres Fachs
2014/05/05 - ORF.at - Wirtschaftsstudium: Aufruf zu Neuausrichtung
2014/05/05 - Der Standard - Manifest gegen die Krise der Ökonomie
2014/05/05 - Der Standard - Wirtschaftsstudenten fordern Neuausrichtung ihres Fachs
2014/05/05 - Kurier - Studenten protestieren gegen ökonomische Lehre
2014/05/05 - APA-OTS - Manifest gegen die Krise der Ökonomie
2014/05/05 - ORF.at - Neuausrichtung des Fachs gefordert

2014/05/05 - News.bg - Студенти въстанаха срещу начина на преподаване на икономика по света

2014/05/10 - Le Devoir - Faire l’économie d’une réforme (à la une du cahier Économie)
2014/05/10 - Le Devoir - Nos yeux (éditorial économique de la fin de semaine)
2014/05/07 - Radio Centre-ville 102,3 FM - Émission Planète Montréal (à 42m20s)
2014/05/07 - Réseau de l’information (RDI) - Émission RDI Économie (à 7:00)
2014/05/06 - ICI Radio-Canada - Émission C’est pas trop tôt! (à 7h51)
2014/05/05 - IRIS - Qu’est-ce qui cloche avec la science économique?
2014/05/05 - Le Devoir - Il faut renouveler l’enseignement de l’économie.
2014/05/05 - Radio-Canada - L’heure du monde (radio show at 30min.)

2014/05/05 - Phoenix New Media - 19国经济系学生:高校狭隘自由市场理论教育损害了世界
2014/05/05 - South China Morning Post - 经济学科与现实社会脱节 19国经济系学生吁改革

2014/05/05 - Srednja - Studenti ekonomije pozivaju na protest Tvrde da su njihovi fakulteti krivi za financijsku krizu u svijetu

2014/05/05 - Politiken - Undervisningen i økonomi er i krise
2014/05/05 - DR Netradio - Radio Interview with Mads Falkenfleth Jensen, of DSS

2014/05/14 - Taloussanomat - Ekonomisteilla on tosi kummallisia näkemyksiä ihmisistä

2014/05/14 - Libération/AFP - Cours d’éco à la fac: des maths, des stats, mais peu de concret
2014/05/07 - Le Nouvel Observateur - Economie: des étudiants disent non à la "pensée unique"
2014/05/05 - Le Monde - Pour une économie pluraliste : l’appel mondial des étudiants

2014/05/06 - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Wirtschaftsstudenten prangern einseitige Lehre an
2014/05/06 - Zeit Online - Studentenaufruf – Wider die intellektuelle Monokultur in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
2014/05/05 - detektor.fm - Internationaler Protest: Studenten wollen eine andere Wirtschaftslehre
2014/05/05 - Handelsblatt - Studenten protestieren gegen ökonomische Lehre
2014/05/05 - NachDenkSeiten - Manifest der ökonomischen Vernunft

2014/05/23 - Reshet A, Radio Interview - Tip of the Iceberg, with: Dr. Oshy Kraus
2014/05/18 - Reshet A, Radio Interview - The Real Economy, with: Eran Hildsheim
2014/05/09 - The Marker - The models are collapsing: "How come economics undergraduates never encounters social-economics dilemmas"?
2014/05/05 - Mako - Students around the world: a revolution in economics teaching needed
2014/05/04 - The Marker - Students around the world: a revolution in economics teaching needed

2014/05/05 - pagina99 - Il manifesto degli studenti per un'economia plural
2014/05/05 - Huffington Post Italy - Quando gli studenti di economia vogliono studiare di più (e meglio)
2014/05/05 - Economia e Politica - Dichiarazione globale per il pluralismo in economia

2014/05/12 - El País - El mundo real en las aulas
2014/05/12 - La Vanguardia - Rebel.lió a les Facultats d'Economia (printed edition)
2014/05/06 - El Confidencial - Estudiantes de Economía de 20 países, contra un plan docente 'pobre, gris y aislado 
2014/05/06 - El Mundo - Estudiantes de Económicas de 19 países reclaman una enseñanza 'pluralista' 
2014/05/06 - El Diario - Estudiantes de economía de todo el mundo piden pluralidad en los planes de estudios 
2014/05/06 - El Diario - Rebelión en las aulas de economía

2014/05/05 - Lars P. Syll Blog- Pluralism in economics

2014/05/05 - Handelszeitung - Manifest gegen die Krise der Ökonomie

2014/05/05 - UDN - 多國經濟系生籲改課程 應付21世紀問題

2014/05/11 - The Observer - After the crisis, we need a revolution in the way we teach economics
2014/05/09 - The Guardian - University economics teaching isn't an education: it's a £9,000 lobotomy
2014/05/05 - Financial Times Blog - Economics students of the world, unite!
2014/05/04 - The Guardian - Economics students call for shakeup of the way their subject is taught
2014/05/04 - The Guardian - Economics teaching and the real world

2014/05/13 - The New Yorker - Rebellious Economics Students Have A Point
2014/05/05 - Naked Capitalism - An International Student Call For Pluralism In Economics
2014/05/05 - AlterNet - Students From 19 Countries Demand End to Economics Curriculum That Blocks Progress on Everything from Food Security to Climate Change

2014/05/05 - World Economics Association Newsletter - An international student call for pluralism in economics
2014/05/05 - Global Economic Intersection - Students from 19 Nations Call for Overhaul of Economics
2014/05/05 - Steve Keen's Debtwatch - The students are revolting
2014/05/05 - Real-World Economics Review Blog - The manifesto of 42 networks of economics students from 19 countries
2014/05/05 - Business Insider - Economics Students Are Fed Up With The Way Their Subject Is Being Taught
2014/05/05 - Environmental Economics - Economics students call for shakeup of the way their subject is taught