Member Groups
Here are profiles of some of our member groups. For a full list of student groups, see Support Us.
Inside the Movement - Rethinking Economics (external website)
Rethinking Economics is a network of member groups from the UK, USA, India, Italy, Israel, Brazil, and Chile. We bring together students and non-students alike. We are made up not only of academics, but also of professionals and concerned citizens.
Our mission is to diversify, demystify, and reinvigorate economics. We believe strongly in a pluralist, open, interdisciplinary economics for the 21st century. We organise as horizontal network and welcome new ideas and new groups or individuals to join in the rethinking.
The first Rethinking Economics conference was organised by students in Tübingen, Germany in 2012. We were founded as a network of groups in 2013, starting from the London School of Economics, Manchester Post-Crash Economics Society, UCL Better Economics Society, and Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism. We have been growing rapidly since. Join us to join in the rethinking!
If you wish to get in touch with any of the member groups, please check their websites (below), or feel free to email us at rethinkingeconomicsuk [at]
INSIDE THE MOVEMENT - Rethinking Economics Tübingen, Germany
Rethinking Economics evolved as a student-led conference and reading group in Germany in 2011, organized by students of economics at the University of Tübingen. Driven by the belief that prevailing curricula in economics lack a critical reflection of its methods and paradigms, Rethinking Economics aimed to create an open space for students and scholars to discuss and exchange new perspectives on pressing economic issues.
The first Tübingen conference was held in 2012 followed by a second one in 2013, offering workshops on the history of economic thought, philosophy of economics, Post-Keynesian economics, complexity economics, agent-based modelling and other topics. They received funding from the extracurricular grant program of the German National Academic Foundation and the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET).
INSIDE THE MOVEMENT - Rethinking Economics New York (
RENY is the New York Chapter of Rethinking Economics. We unite students and thinkers in New York City who are thirsty for new ways of thinking about economic subjects.
We are currently in the process of organizing a conference to be held this September. This event is designed to spark interest in new economic thinking amongst our peers and the general public and to create the same kind of momentum and excitement that has been generated in Europe on the North American continent.
The dates for the conference are September 12-14, and we’ll be hosting the conference both at the New School and at Columbia University. Check our webpage - - to find updates about our keynote speakers, our student led workshops, and other activities we have planned.
Rethinking Economics Member Groups:
- Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism (
- Rethinking Economics at Oxford University
- Manchester University Post-Crash Economics Society (
- SOAS Open Economics Forum
- UCL Better Economics Society
- LSE Post-Crash Economics Society
- Essex University Post-Crash Economics Society
- Sheffield University Alternative Thinking for Economics Society
- Rethinking Economics Tübingen, Germany
- Rethinking Economics New York, USA
- Rethinking Economics Italia (LUISS, Rome) (
- Rethinking Economics India at the Mahindra United World College
- Rethinking Economics Brazil at Nova Agora
- Economics Student Forum, Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel (
Network for Plural Economics
The “Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.” (Network for Plural Economics, NPE) is a coalition of students, lecturers and researchers in economics who are deeply concerned about the current state of their discipline. Economics in Germany is dominated by a monoculture of thought that structurally prevents different approaches from being addressed in the research and teaching of economics, proposes one-sided policies, and limits the thinking of the next generation of decision makers.
The Network intends to promote pluralism of economic theories, to highlight the solution of real-world problems, and to enhance self-criticism and openness among economists. The Network deliberately goes beyond the scope of professional discussions among economists and tries to involve civil society, politics, and the general public.
The Network was founded in 2012 and continues the tradition of what was originally named "Post-Autistic Economics" and Real World Economics in Germany. Currently, there are 14 student societies associated within the network in Augsburg, Bayreuth, Berlin, Potsdam, Erfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Göttingen, Cologne, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Munich, Mainz, Regensburg and Tübingen.
In September 2012, a pluralist supplementary to the annual conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik took place. A much-noticed open letter was published there summarizing the network’s key concerns: Reshaping economics in terms of pluralism of theories and applied methods as well as enhancing self-reflection among economists. Current activities of the Network evolve around the campaign “PluraloWatch” , an online platform for information and action for new economic thought.
Nous sommes des étudiants en économie et nous sommes mécontents de l'enseignement de cette discipline. Plusieurs appels, lettres ouvertes et pétitions ont déjà été lancés à ce sujet depuis dix ans, prouvant le caractère durable de ce malaise, sans jamais susciter de profonds changements. Depuis le début de nos études, force est de constater que notre connaissance des mécanismes de l'économie ne s'est pas réellement accrue. En ce qui concerne, par exemple, la crise économique mondiale, les outils qui nous sont enseignés ne nous permettent pas de l'appréhender. Et les cours dispensés ne se sont pas adaptés à la nouvelle situation. Cette crise est donc également celle de l'enseignement de l'économie.
PEPS-Helvetia, Suisse:
Other networks (EU)
Society for Pluralist Economics, Vienna
Gesellschaft für Plurale Ökonomik Graz
BSIPEC - Brussels Student Initiative for a Pluralist Economics Curriculum
email :
Bundesfachschaftenkonferenz WiSo (National Student Body)
AK Plurale Ökonomik Kassel
DSS (Det Samfundsøkonomiske Selskab) (external website)
Oeconomicus Economic Club MGIMO (external website)
Post-Crash Barcelona
Asociación de Estudiantes de Económicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Estudantes de Económicas e Empresariais, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (external website)
Movement for Pluralistic Economics, Slovenia (external website)
Lunds Kritiska Ekonomer (external website)
Handels Students for Sustainability (external website)
GURWES (Glasgow University Real-World Economics Society) (external website)
Post-Crash Economics Society Manchester (a member of Rethinking Economics) (external website)
Inside the Movement - Society for Pluralist Economics, Vienna
We are the Society for Pluralistic Economics Vienna. We are a group of students at the University of Business and Economics Vienna. The motivation for founding our group was among others the speech of our University Director at the opening of the new campus, as well as the university campaign “Rethink Economy”. We want to add a student perspective to this campaign.
The main goal of our society is to foster and spread a understanding for pluralism in economics education.
We are convinced that only multiple perspectives within teaching and research can make sure that the challenges of the 21st century can be properly dealt with. The broad participation of the student-body in extra-curricular lectures about non-mainstream economics prove that this is a need that is universally felt at our university.
Inside the Movement- GURWES
The society formed last year in May, after we realised that our short course in Post- Keynesian Economics was only a glimpse of other approaches and methods used in order to understand the discipline. Since then we have been an active society, acting as tutors for students taking the Post- Keynesian course, inviting guest lecturers and forming reading groups. We hope to maintain our ambition and hard work this coming year. Find out more here. You can also follow our blog here.
Inside the Movement- Coletivo Economia Sem Muros
We are a group of Bachelor and Master Students of the Nova School of Business and Economics, founded in Lisbon, Portugal, named Coletivo Economia sem Muros (Collective Economy Without Walls).
For the past three years, we have been organizing Master classes and Conferences on the History of Economic Thought (we held individual sessions about Stuart Mill, John Keynes, Karl Polanyi, Alfred Marshall, John Kenneth Galbraith and Friedrich Hayek), a course that was removed from our department’s Bachelor Curriculum. We are presently holding an open course on Heterodox Economics with four sessions: Marxist criticism and uses of Economic Nationalism; Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development; Financialization: a Marxist perspective; and Behavioral Economics and the limits of Rational Choice.
We are pleased to know that there are students across the world sharing the same concerns we do regarding Economics and the way this Science is taught nowadays. Therefore, we express our interest in sharing experiences and thoughts on the matter, as well as enhance our knowledge and grow with you. Henceforth, we would like to express our intent in becoming a member of the International Student Initiative for Pluralism in Economics.
See the link below for our Facebook page, with some of the events we organized:
We thank you for your time, dedication and consideration.
Inside the Movement - DSS (Det Samfundsøkonomiske Selskab) (external website)
DSS er en forening for de studerende, som interesserer sig for sammenspillet mellem økonomisk teori og samfundet i øvrigt. Økonomisk teori danner grundlaget for næsten al politik. Derfor er det vigtigt at økonomer forstår teoriernes muligheder og begrænsninger, netop fordi de har så stor betydning. Efter den økonomiske krise har mange kritikere talt om en systemkrise i det økonomiske håndværk, ogopfordret til at gå andre veje end hidtil, men er det nødvendigt, og i så fald hvilken vej skal vi gå?
Vi arrangerer fyraftensmøder og debatter for de studerende, med henblik på at udforske samfundsøkonomiske fænomener samt stille spørgsmål ved grundlæggende problemstillinger, og præsentere alternative løsningsforslag. Arrangementerne er åbne for alle og kræver ikke indgående kendskab til emnet.
Inside the Movement: Post-Crash Economics Society Manchester (external website)
We were inspired to start the society after hearing about the 2011 Bank of England Conference – ‘Are Economics Graduates Fit for Purpose?’. The economics we were learning seemed separate from the economic reality that the world was facing, and devoid from the crisis that had made many of us interested in economics to begin with. Through our own research, we began to learn more about economics and learned how its mainstream had begun to be dominated by a certain kind of economics at the expense of other approaches.
We decided to start a debate at Manchester about the nature of economics and became a fully established societt. We regularly run events on alternative economic ideas, campaign for changes to the syllabus and recently published a report on the state of economics education at Manchester. However, we know that change must occur all around the world and so are excited to be part of an international movement that we hope will lead to widespread syllabus reform.
Inside the Movement: Bundesfachschaftenkonferenz WiSo
The "Bundesfachschaftenkonferenz WiSo" is the german student institution for elected student boards and representatives of all study programs with an economics background. Thus, we represent approximately 700,000 students in economics or economics-affiliated study programs in Germany. On our last conference in April 2014, with over 300 representatives out of 56 Universities and Universities for Applied Sciences, we decided unanimously to support the ISIPE. We would hence be glad and proud to be listed publicly as a supporter of the open letter.
More :
Other networks (World)
The PPE Society, La Trobe University (external website)
Mouvement étudiant québécois pour un enseignement pluraliste de l'économie (external website)
Estudios Nueva Economía (external website)
Grupo de estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile.
JUHESA (Jadavpur University Heterodox Economics Association)
Grupo de Estudiantes por la Enseñanza Plural de la Economía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Quaid-i-Azam University Heterodox Economics Student Group
Oeconomicus Economic Club MGIMO (external website)
Sociedad de Economía Crítica, Argentina y Uruguay
INSIDE THE MOVEMENT - The PPE Society, La Trobe University, Australia (
The PPE Society is a student organisation that was founded to represent interdisciplinary study at La Trobe University, particularly in the areas of politics, philosophy and economics. Our activities to support pluralism in economics have included running our own alternative tutorials to the neoclassical economics curriculum, to ensure that our members and able to participate in economics discussion which is plural. We have also recognised the importance of ensuring that first year students are exposed to pluralism early on in their university studies.
INSIDE THE MOVEMENT- Mouvement Étudiant Québécois pour un Enseignement Pluraliste de l'Économie
Le Mouvement étudiant québécois pour un enseignement pluraliste de l’économie vise, comme son nom l’indique, à réunir les étudiant.e.s en économie de toutes les universités et cycles d’enseignement au Québec qui partagent les principes énoncés dans son manifeste fondateur. Celui-ci est accessible à l’adresse
De plus, plusieurs intellectuels québécois de tous horizons, y compris des professeurs d’économie, appuient l’initiative au Québec. Parmi eux, on peut mentionner Sylvie Morel, Bernard Élie, Mario Seccareccia, Ianik Marcil et Louis Gill. Amorcé en mars 2014, le mouvement dispose présentement de plus de 70 signatures étudiantes principalement distribuées à l’université Laval et à l’UQÀM.
The Mouvement étudiant québécois pour un enseignement pluraliste de l'économie aims to bring together economics students from all universities and teaching cycles who share the principles set out in its founding manifesto, available at
In addition, many Quebec intellectuals from all backgrounds, including economics teachers, support the initiative. Among them we can mention Sylvie Morel, Bernard Elias, Mario Seccareccia, Ianik Marcil and Louis Gill. Created in March 2014, the movement currently has over 70 student signatures mainly distributed at Laval University and UQAM.
Inside the Movement: Quaid-i-Azam University Heterodox Economics Student Group
We are group of Bachelors in Economics students in the School of Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University. We are disappointed with conventional Economics, and we are engaging in strongly criticising the course being taught to us. In our student society, we discuss the importance of understanding human behaviour.
For more contact:
INSIDE THE MOVEMENT - Estudios Nueva Economía, University of Chile (
Estudios Nueva Economía ("New Economy Studies") are a group of Chilean economics students and graduates created in 2011 at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago out of an interest in the recent criticisms of the teaching and practice of economics. We continually write opinion articles, are developing a line of critical research, and have our own Journal.